ALCOA established a scholarship in 2013 to support Iowa-Quad Cities high school students planning to attend Scott Community College.

Allen Higley
Allen served as an adjunct instructor for business classes and appreciated the opportunity the community college provides to students and the impact those students can then have in the community. He established the Higley Business Scholarship to support students...

Alvin C. Tingle Scholarship Committee
The Alvin C. Tingle Scholarship Committee established a scholarship at Scott Community College in 2015 in memory of Alvin Tingle, a 1976 graduate of United Township High School. Alvin’s passion for food and recipe creations led him to a successful career in the...

American Legion of Iowa Foundation
Established for students that have served in the Armed Forces, the American Legion of Iowa Foundation Scholarship is supported through grant funding by the American Legion of Iowa Foundation.
Bettendorf Rotary Club
The Bettendorf Rotary Club supports the Chuck Mooney/ William Stradt/ Rich & Dee James Scholarship to provide assistance for students in any program at Scott Community College.

Deere & Co.
The John Deere STEM Scholarship was established in 2014 to support area high school students planning to attend Scott Community College for Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math.

Dennis & Jo Ellen Winegar
Dennis and Jo Ellen Winegar established the Winegar Student Support Scholarship in 2012 to support a deserving, single parent student majoring in Business or Administrative Office Support (AOS). Dennis is a Business adjunct instructor and Jo Ellen is a retired AOS...

Dick and Chizuru
The Dick and Chizuru Scholarship was started in 2024 to support SCC Students.
Dr. David F. Krein
In 2013, retired SCC instructor Dr. David Krein established a scholarship in support of students in the Honors Program. Dr. Krein, along with his fellow instructor Dan Morgan, helped to start the Honors Program at Scott Community College in 1996. His passion for the...

Dr. James & Mary Stewart
In 2010, the Stewart Health Professional Scholarship was created by Dr. James & Mary Stewart. At the time the scholarship was started, Mary served on the Scott Community College (SCC) Foundation board. It is the intent of the scholarship to assist a SCC student...

Duncan J. Cameron Family Foundation
The Duncan J. Cameron Family Foundation supports the Nursing Program Scholarship for Women with Financial Need and the Cameron Culinary Arts Scholarship for Women. The nursing scholarship is intended to assist first-semester female nursing students with financial...
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Faculty & Staff
Many scholarships are supported by the faculty and staff of the EICC District including: - Diesel Technology Scholarship - First-Generation College Student Scholarship - HVAC Scholarship - Information Technology Majors Scholarship - Nursing Faculty Scholarship -...

Family, Friends, & Colleagues of Judy Nelson
The Judy Nelson Memorial Scholarship was created in April 1995 by Molly Jungk, 1995 Outstanding Staff Member, through the use of the award stipend. Upon Judy Nelson’s death, a memorial fund was established by Judy’s family, friends, and colleagues. Judy was a...

Family, Friends, & Colleagues of Lenny Stone
L.E. “Lenny” Stone served EICCD from 1996-2001 as a instructor, department chair, President of Scott Community College (1986-2001), and EICCD’s Vice Chancellor. Lenny always sought opportunities for personal and professional education, and he was credit with moving...

Family, Friends, & Colleagues of Mark Ubelhor
The Mark Ubelhor Memorial Scholarship was established in 2012 by family and friends of Mark Ubelhor. Mark was a math instructor at Scott Community College for nearly thirty years. He was best known on campus for his unique and valuable teaching style and his love for...

Family, Friends, & Colleagues of Pacia Ann Sauer
The Pacia Sauer Memorial Scholarship was created by the family, friends, and colleagues of Pacia Ann Sauer as a tribute to her. Pacia was Board Secretary and Assistant to the Chancellor of the Eastern Iowa Community College District where she was employed for 25...

Family, Friends, & Colleagues of Timothy A. Burger
The Timothy A. Burger Memorial scholarship was established by Lysa Hegland, SCC Foundation Director and the proud daughter of Timothy (Tim) A. Burger. Tim was a Biological Science Lab Assistant and Logistics instructor for Scott Community College for more than ten...

Family & Friends of Dr. Lyn Brodersen Cochran
The Dr. Lyn Brodersen Cochran Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 by community donors and the Scott Community College (SCC) Foundation in memory of Dr. Lyn Brodersen Cochran. Lyn began her career as an instructor at Western Iowa Tech Community College where...
Family & Friends of Ellis Vetter
Ellis served on the Eastern Iowa Community College District (EICCD) board for 25 years and served on the Calamus School Board for nine years. He was conferred the John A. Kibbe Trustee award by the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees in 1987 and in 1989 he...
Family & Friends of Jeff Kosman
The Jeff Kosman Memorial Scholarship was established by friends and family of Jeff’s to assist students in the Radiologic Technology program.

Family & Friends of Nicholas Germain
The Nicholas Germain Memorial Welding Scholarship was established by family and friends of Nick Germain, who lost his life in a fatal car accident in 2011. A graduate of Davenport West High School and a student at Scott Community College (SCC), Nick is remembered as...

Family of Peter Linville & Brigitte Dietz-Linville
This scholarship was established in 2014 by the family of Peter Linville and Brigitte Dietz-Linville. Peter was an outstanding mechanic and a wizard with tools and machines. He is remembered most as a loving husband to Brigitte, stepfather to Jim and Debbie, and...

Fejervary Trust
The Fejervary Trust was established in 1896 by Nicholas Fejervary, a successful landowner in Scott County and a humanitarian. With the establishment of the trust he constructed a retirement home for indigent farmers who had lived at least twenty years in Scott...

Gangopadhyay Family
The Gagngopadhyay Family established the HOPE Memorial Scholarship in 2010 to give HOPE to a deserving student. They also established the Pathak Memorial Scholarship to help encourage students to excel in academics.
Gene Haas Foundation
In 1999 Gene Haas founded the Gene Haas Foundation. Growing up with a strong social conscience instilled by his family, Haas initially formed the foundation to fund the needs of the local community. Haas is the owner Haas Automation, Inc., America’s leading builder...
Grant W. Brissman & Virginia M. Brissman Foundation
In 2020, the Grant W. Brissman & Virginia M. Brissman Foundation established an endowment in the SCC Foundation in honor of Grant W. Brissman & Virginia M. Brissman. The donors hope to support educational opportunities that will lead to good careers that enable Milan...
Gwendolyn Mix
The Gwendolyn Mix & Greta Faye Mix Memorial Scholarship was established in 2022 in memory of Gwendolyn Mix and her sister, Greta Faye Mix. In spite of being deaf, Gwendolyn earned her bachelor’s degree in science and amazingly, she earned her degree without the help...

Harold & Elizabeth Huntley
The Interpreter Training Program Scholarship was established in 2012 by Harold “Buddy” & Elizabeth Huntley in support of the Interpreter Training Program (ITP). Elizabeth began teaching for the ITP at Scott Community College in 1995. Both Buddy and Elizabeth have a...

Harry J. & Nellie B. Griffith
A scholarship was established by Harry and Nellie as the first endowment to the Scott Community College Foundation in 1989. In their will, Harry and Nellie Griffith thought of the future by establishing this legacy fund. They had no children of their own, but were...
Hawkeye Paving Corporation
In 2009, a scholarship was established by Glen and Teresa Perkins of Hawkeye Paving Corporation to assist students who are studying in the Diesel Technology program at Scott Community College.