Heather Anderson
Heather, Early Childhood Education Instructor and the proud daughter of Micheal Polchow, established the Michael Polchow Lifelong Learning Legacy Scholarship in his memory. Throughout his life, Michael was committed to the value of education. It is most fitting that...

Iowa Quad Cities Rotary
In June 2013, the Iowa Quad Cities Rotary established the Paul N. Lensmeyer Memorial Scholarship in support of the organization’s longtime member and friend, Paul N. Lensmeyer and the Iowa Quad Cities Rotary Scholarship in support of a deserving Scott resident...

John & Mary Blong
John & Mary established the John & Mary Blong GED Scholarship in 2008 to provide assistance to GED graduates so that they can continue their education at an Eastern Iowa Community College District College.

Laura Scott
Laura Scott, SCC Foundation President (2020-2022), established the Women Dream Big Scholarship in 2021 to inspire women in the community to pursue and achieve their educational dreams.

Mannhardt Family
The Mannhardt’s created the James & Jeralee Mannhardt Scholarship on November 20, 2009 through an endowment established with the Quad Cities Community Foundation. In March 2021, they established a second scholarship in Memory of Joss Mercer Mannhardt.
Mary Anna Von Dresky
In 2015, Mary Anna Von Dresky passed away leaving behind a lasting legacy for future nurses like herself. In 1942 Mary Anna graduated from Davenport High School and in 1945 she graduated from Mercy Hospital School of Nursing. She worked as an intensive care private...
Michele H. Dane
This scholarship was established to commemorate Michele Holland Dane’s 28 years of service with Genesis Health System and to assist the next generation of health care professionals.

Miller Family
The Dorothy M. Miller Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Dorothy by her husband and family. The scholarship is intended to encourage young people by challenging them to commit to the work and study involved with seeking a post-secondary...
Monarch - Kitchen & Bar
The Mighty Monarch Culinary Scholarship was established in honor of Chef Matt Fenton, Head Chef of Monarch – Kitchen & Bar in Davenport, Iowa. Chef Fenton achieved his culinary dream thanks in part to the scholarship support he received. The scholarship has been...

Nikki Gullion
In 2017, Nikki created the Gullion Future Educators Scholarship to support students studying education at Scott Community College. Nikki was previously EICC’s District Program Developer for Education, the Education Department Chair and Instructor. She now serves as...

Nyle & Teresa Paper
Nyle & Teresa established the Nyle & Teresa Paper Academic Achievement Scholarship in 2013. The intent of the scholarship is to recognize and reward rural Scott County high school students for their high academic achievement.

Otavio & Courtney Hegouet
In November 2008, Otavio Hegouet, an SCC alumnus, and his wife, Courtney, established a scholarship for students who are single parents. While attending Scott Community College between 2000 and 2003, Otavio recalled fondly the value he received from his sport...

Pamela Ann Spear
The Vivian Brown Spear Memorial Scholarship for Career Technical Education was established by Pamela Ann Spear to honor her mother, Vivian Brown Spear. Vivian attended one year of secretarial school. At the age of nineteen she quit school to marry my father. If she...
Patrick & Janet Coogan
The Danielson Motor Company Scholarship was established on Father’s Day in 2013 by Janet Coogan, Dean of Instruction and the proud daughter of Chester (Chet) Danielson, and her husband Patrick Coogan. Janet proudly presented the establishment of the scholarship to...

Paul & Janet Rafferty
Paul and Janet established the Rafferty Fry Scholarship in 2022. Both Paul and Janet are deeply passionate about education and they have both graciously given their time, talents and treasure in support of the college. Paul served on the SCC Foundation Board for more...
PAVERS Giving Network
At Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, we are blessed to have so many dedicated faculty and staff who have paved the way for others. To honor these retirees and past employees, the SCC Foundation established the PAVERS Giving Network in 2016. In 2017, the group was...

Pleasant Valley Community School District
Leading the way, the visionary leadership of the Pleasant Valley Community School District and Eastern Iowa Community Colleges established this scholarship in 2013 as part of the Belmont Campus land agreement. Their wise investment in an endowment within the SCC...
Quad City Bank & Trust
Quad City Bank & Trust created the Quad City Bank & Trust Impact Scholarship in 2017 to positively impact the community through education.

Ray & Connie Allen
In 2007, the Ray & Connie Allen Accounting Scholarship was created by Ray & Connie, both accountants in the Quad Cities. In honor of their profession, they established the scholarship for Scott Community College students working toward an Accounting Management Degree.
Rich Quinn
The Rich & Carol Quinn Honors Scholarship is sponsored by Rich Quinn in memory of his wife, Carol. Carol was a dedicated Scott Community College employee for 34 years. The scholarship provides funding for Scott Community College students who are Honors Program...

Robert & Blenda Ontiveros Family Foundation
The Robert & Blenda Ontiveros Family Foundation established a scholarship in August 2014 in loving memory of Uncle Alex, who was a role model and business partner. In 1979, Alex joined Robert in forming the R&O Specialties, Inc., one of the first Outsourcing...

SCC Environmental Club
The Environmental Club established the Dean Parsons Environmental Club Scholarship in 2002 in honor of the late Dean Parsons, a student, friend, and club member.
SCC Math Club
The SCC Math Club established the Pi Scholarship in 2016 to support a deserving STEM student. The following members were involved: Sergio Rodriquez-Lopez (President), Ryan Cruise (Vice President), Kari Ramsey (Secretary), Alex Carpenter (Treasurer), and Mitchell...
Sentry Insurance
Sentry Insurance established the Sentry Insurance Foundation Diversity & Inclusivity Scholarship in 2022 to provide scholarships that encourage diversity, inclusivity, and equitable access to education.

Stan & Elizabeth (Betty) McCarthy Reeg
In 2017, Stan and Betty Reeg contributed to the EICC Urban Campus Campaign in support of the Stan & Betty Reeg Scholarship. This support will have a lasting impact on deserving students attending Scott Community College for years to come. Notably the Reeg’s are fans...

Stephen & Ann Suiter
Stephen & Ann established the Ann & Stephen Suiter Foundation Scholarship in 2016 to support the educational dreams of students from Assumption, North Scott, and Pleasant Valley High Schools. Stephen worked locally in the banking and financial work for over 30, years...

The Nimmer Family
In 2016 the Nimmer Family established a scholarship to support students entering the health care field.
William Butterworth Foundation
The William Butterworth Foundation Scholarship was established in 2018 in support of the organization’s mission to leveraging their strong heritage and valuable resources to actively support artistic, charitable, cultural and educational endeavors that enhance the...

William & Linda Tubbs
In 2019, William & Linda established The William & Linda Z Tubbs Rotary Scholarship for Nontraditional Students through the Quad Cities Community Foundation. Their wish is to support nontraditional students studying in vocational fields.
Women's Giving Network
The Women’s Giving Network (WGN) began in 2012. It was founded by women eager to help other women. The group supports the Women’s Advancement Scholarship to assist a non-traditional female student beginning a college education.