PAVERS Giving Network Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Scott Community College PAVERS Giving Network in 2017. At Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, we are blessed to have so many dedicated faculty and staff who have paved the way for others. To honor these retirees and past employees, the SCC Foundation established the PAVERS Giving Network in 2016.

Preference will be given to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Are actively paving the way for others through strong college and/or community activities

Scholarship Use
This scholarship is awarded for the Fall 2025 semester.
Scholarship awards will be applied to your tuition, books, and fees first. For more information on how to use your remaining scholarship dollars, please reach out to the SCC Foundation. Any rollover dollars must be used by the end of the Spring 2026 semester. SCC Foundation scholarships are non-transferable.

PAVERS Giving Network